Knowledge Centre | Human Performance Technology by DTS

The New Breed of Employee: Amped Workers

Written by Theo Winter | May 8, 2013

“We live in a world in which amplified individuals — people empowered by technologies and the collective intelligence of their social networks — can do things that previously only a large organisation could.” — Marina Gorbis, The New Kind of Worker Every Business NeedsThe quote above is from a recent Harvard Business Review article, which introduces us to a formidable new type of employee: "amplified individuals."

Ever since Peter Drucker coined the term "knowledge worker" some 50 years ago, the monumental shift in the way that all businesses now rely on technology means that the knowledge worker who is also a "computer whiz" has a distinct advantage.

But it’s not enough.

Simply being a technical genius is not enough to be effective.

As much as tech-savvy knowledge workers have an advantage over those who aren’t, those who are both tech-savvy and relationship-savvy are a far superior breed of team member. Yet, even they are not the best.

"What could be better than an socially intelligent brainiac?" you ask.

The answer is an “amped" knowledge worker; the deadliest, rarest breed of them all.

Amped Workers (AWs) are both tech-savvy and people-savvy, but they are especially interested in exploring the depths of technology and relationships to see how far they can amplify their talents.

AWs seek out all available frameworks, models and tools to enhance their workflow, presentations, and situational effectiveness. They have the technical smarts to research any topic at light speed, but they can also draw on their social networks to access expert opinions, skills and experience. Using their own personal genius and mixing it with those of the people in their network, this creates a potent blend that leads to them being more effective in almost any situation.

They're still knowledge workers, but on steroids.

Their kind specialises in the trade of using tools and technology to create value, enhance their ideas, and advance their careers.

                            (Transformation scene from Captain America) 

The concept of being amped by technology has been around for decades. Tech-assisted transformation is quite a common theme among recent superhero movies (Batman, Iron Man, Captain America). There's even a sci-fi book called “Amped,” which features tiny implants (called "amps") that allow human beings to surpass mental and physical barriers. For example, there's an IQ-boosting amp called "Autofocus."

But how do we bring this into reality? How do we "amp" your effectiveness?

One way is through a better developed self-awareness and understanding of others. The most effective people are those who can work with almost anyone, in any situation. They use frameworks to understand the different aspects of behaviour, motivation, and personal skills affecting each situation. With this understanding, they formulate plans to effectively apply themselves in the different situations in which they are placed.

If you like the idea of the "amped worker" then you'll most likely be interested in these leading science-based assessment tools. These tools provide an eye-opening insight into how to interact with others more effectively and make better decisions about your career. If you’re interested in enhancing your abilities, you might also like to explore the Layers of Performance framework — an essential framework for understanding the 8 major elements that affect workplace performance.

Get amped:

See more about attending DISC Accreditation or Emotional Quotient (EQ) Accreditation.