Important News for DISC Profile Users (From the 2013 Annual Conference)
Each year, TTI Success Insights (our partner company) have a conference that draws in around 300-400 business consultants from around the world to see updates on the latest products, profiles, and new advances in human performance practices.A few shots from the 2013 conference, held in Scottsdale, Arizona. The next conference is in January 2014 — anyone from Australia is welcome.
Top right: Trevor (MD, DTS) and Suzanne (Learning Solutions Manager, DTS).
DTS Blue Diamond Award:
Trevor receiving the Blue Diamond award in recognition of support as voted by the TTI staff.
An exciting new update that should be read by anyone using the DISC model ...
The Neuroscience of DISC:
TTI (who manages a direct network of 7,000 distributors in 90 countries) was founded in 1984 by Bill Bonstetter and have always been the leaders in DISC — having created the first ever computerised DISC assessment and they are the only company anywhere with a reference manual. Bill has personally conducted more research on DISC than any other person in the world.
Enter Bill's brother, neuroscientist Dr. Ron Bonstetter.
Ron joined TTI in 2011 to head up TTI’s new Center for Applied Cognitive Research — a state-of-the-art research lab where volunteers participate in electroencephalography (EEG) brain scans and respond to stimuli created by qualified, trained research assistants. Brain scan images provide real-time feedback, which is then analysed and catalogued.
Because of the money, time, and expertise required, this kind of research has never been done before in the DISC assessment industry, and this is the first time it has been unveiled to the Australian/NZ public.
How It Works:
A volunteer is hooked up to an electrical cap.
Words from the DISC questionnaire are displayed.
Depending of the level of brain activity, responses can be measured as either positive (acceptance), neutral (no response), or negative (avoidance). They do this by measuring gamma brainwaves — a subconscious response that occurs within 300 milliseconds (0.3 seconds) of seeing the word.
Incredibly, we can begin to see that the conscious responses (from the self-score DISC assessment) are reflecting the same graph pattern as the subconscious responses (from the EEG), thus validating the accuracy of the TTI Success Insights reports in a whole new way.
This testing is in the very early stages and a lot more research is yet to come — we will keep you posted!
In a funny coincidence, William Marston (the inventor of the DISC theory) is also acknowledged as the original inventor of the lie detector, having created a systolic blood pressure test around 1920, which was the forerunner to the modern polygraph. Nearly 100 years later, we are beginning to realise something that Marston could only dream of: a DISC assessment that "stencils" a graph directly from your subconscious brainwave activity. Eventually this might lead to a new era of DISC testing — the kind that knows you better than you know yourself.
Early days, but still very exciting stuff.
New Releases:
New Avoidance Pages
Research shows that people have a far stronger and clearer preference towards what they dislike/avoid. New Behaviours and Motivators "Avoidance" pages will be automatically added to all coaching reports and TTI Talent Insights Series as of February 15, 2013.
TriMetrix EQ
Also available as of the 15th February is the TTI TriMetrix EQ, blending Behaviours, Motivators and Emotional Intelligence into one report. This means any of our accredited professionals with DISC, Motivators and EQ can access 6 assessments:
- Motivators
- Emotional Quotient (EQ)
- Talent Insights
- Behavioural Intelligence
- TriMetrix EQ
Motivators Manual
TTI will be releasing a new Motivators Manual, an in-depth discovery of Motivators and their application in the workplace and the new "Talent Unknown -- Seven Way to Discover Hidden Talent & Skills." This is expected to be available in Australia/New Zealand in March 2013.
Growth Curve X-Ray
The Growth Curve X-Ray is based on research conducted and presented in James Fisher's book "Navigating the Growth Curve". The book summarises the findings of a research project across 35 industries and more than 650 CEOs and their organisations. Using the Growth Curve, you will gain access to the resources, tools and processes to conduct Growth Curve X-rays, and to develop plans for business leaders to achieve their objectives and build "growth smart" companies.
The Growth Curve process is designed for consultants and OD professionals to work with business leaders to grow their companies and overcome the associated challenges with each stage of growth.
This end-to-end solution helps to systematically assess an organisation's current stage in the growth curve, identify the challenges associated with that stage, focus the CEO and other key stakeholders on the things that matter most, and help design/implement solutions to grow the company.
The Growth Curve X-Ray process will help companies and leaders to:
- Reveal the underlying origin to key issues across People, Process or Profit and gain insight on how to address them in an order of priority.
- Remove persistent barriers causing performance to slump, people to disengage, and profits to dwindle.
- Uncover the Hidden Rules of the Road for each Stage of Growth. Take a hard look at how well each rule is being adhered to. Based on the research, not getting these done at the right time is a huge performance detractor.
- Gain insight into leadership styles and how they can help and hinder progress based on what a company needs right now.
- Uncover the issues holding a business back from better margins.
We feel that the growth curve presents a significant opportunity in the Australian market as a structured diagnosis and planning process that can help consultants work with Australian business leaders.
Get Certified: We are excited to announce a unique opportunity to be one of the first Australian's to become a Certified Growth Curve Strategist. This one time only offer will provide you with the opportunity to market, sell and conduct Growth Curve X-Rays in Australia and at a very special investment. The usual investment is $3,500 plus GST. We will be offering a special foundation class discount of $1950 plus GST.
What’s the Catch? With an offer this good you are probably wondering “what’s the catch?”… and there is one! Because we are flying in the experts from the USA to train us all on this we need to gain commitment from interested participants no later than Thursday 7th February 2013.
We believe this is a revolutionary product that has great relevance in the marketplace and great potential for building a solid consulting practice.
HPT By DTS News & Updates
Theo Winter
Client Services Manager, Writer & Researcher. Theo is one of the youngest professionals in the world to earn an accreditation in TTI Success Insight's suite of psychometric assessments. For more than a decade, he worked with hundreds of HR, L&D and OD professionals and consultants to improve engagement, performance and emotional intelligence of leaders and their teams. He authored the book "40 Must-Know Business Models for People Leaders."
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