L&D News & Opinion Roundup
A selection of 10 of the most popular or thought-provoking L&D opinion pieces, research and ongoing developments in the field of L&D that you may have missed in the last couple of months from both Australian-based and international blogs and websites...
Applying Neuroscience to L&D Initiatives
Source: CIPD, Dec 2014 (UK)
“At our CIPD Annual Conference and Exhibition in November we held a panel discussion exploring how findings from neuroscience can be applied to learning and development practice.”
L&D Professionals Low on Confidence
Source: HR Magazine, Nov 2014 (UK)
“Those working in learning and development are not confident they can demonstrate their function’s value to the board, according to KnowledgePool.”
Coaching: the Latest L&D Favourite
Source: HR Magazine, July 2014 (UK)
“According to Henley Business School’s fifth annual Corporate Learning Priorities Survey, individual and team coaching are the top two L&D tools for 2014, while the CIPD’s 2014 annual Learning and Development Survey found 76% of organisations currently offer coaching or mentoring in some form and, of those that don’t, 12% intend to introduce it in the next year.”
Eight L&D Tactics I'd Use If I Were an HR Director
Source: Training Zone, Sept 2014 (UK)
“I was recently challenged to put my money where my mouth is in terms of explaining exactly what I would do better if I were an HR director myself, as opposed to being a L&D coaching specialist, who often, as part of my work with an organisation, ends up advising HR directors on how to improve the way they work in this area.”
Five Basic Learning Principles All L&D Professionals Need to Know
Source: Training Zone, March 2014 (UK)
“With so much content available to us on a daily basis, you can easily get buried under a mountain of it before we even find what we are looking for. It is very unlikely that we are able to increase the amount of hours in a day; so instead, we’ve compiled a list of five simple learning principles that remind us how to create great learning content...”
Learning and Development: 2015’s Trends and Avoiding ‘One-Size-Fits-All’
Source: Human Capital Magazine, Dec 2014 (AUS)
“Training, or Learning and Development (L&D), is a central— indeed, critical—part of the modern organisation, large and small and in both private and public sectors across Australia, according to Mike Magee, CEO of TP3.”
Learning: Nice to Have or Indispensable Business Asset?
Source: Chief Learning Officer, Feb 2015 (UK)
“Most people like learning new things, but without accountability for improved performance back on the job, learning will always be vulnerable and its value questioned.”
Spotlight on...Dave Buglass
Source: Training Journal, Feb 2015 (UK)
“After spending more than 20 years in finance, HR and most of the learning and development disciplines, Dave Buglass, head of organisational capability & development at Tesco Bank, probably had his finest year of achievements in 2014. He picked up two awards in November, both for Learning and Development Professional of the Year, one with TJ and the other from HR Network Scotland. Buglass has clearly started to get his views and challenges into the HR and L&D space on how we as a profession need to change.”
Leading The Future Of Learning Through Four Key Trends
Source: Forbes, David Slocum, Feb 2015 (US)
“Among today’s challenges to these models, many of them brought by or associated with digital technologies, we might identify four tendencies...”
Training a Plugged-In, Distracted Workforce: What Modern Learners Want & How to Deliver
Source: Venture Beat, Carol Leaman, Feb 2015 (US)
“Meet the modern learner. She’s energetic. She’s enthusiastic. And she’s eager to make praise-worthy contributions at work. But she’s also overwhelmed, distracted and impatient. Incoming tweets, emails and texts, combined with websites, videos and apps all vie for her attention. And interruptions disturb her as frequently as every five minutes...”

Theo Winter
Client Services Manager, Writer & Researcher. Theo is one of the youngest professionals in the world to earn an accreditation in TTI Success Insight's suite of psychometric assessments. For more than a decade, he worked with hundreds of HR, L&D and OD professionals and consultants to improve engagement, performance and emotional intelligence of leaders and their teams. He authored the book "40 Must-Know Business Models for People Leaders."
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